Monday, March 31, 2014

Are you Vining for Business?

I'm not sure that Vining is even a word, but let's run with it for now for the purpose of this post.

Vines have been around for a while, but only a few enterprises have been brave enough to put themselves at the mercy of a six second message, that has to funny, extremely compelling and usually both.

Companies such as Target, Dunkin' Donuts and G.E. have executed some great Vines directed at consumers, but I've not seen many targeting b2b customers. This  made it even more of a challenge when the creatives at the Symantec's Digital Marketing team were commissioned to develop a Vine campaign for the Symantec Netbackup Products.

Where to begin? We must have watched a few hundred Vines before we even started the creative process, and eventually we came back to the table with three key takeaways.
1- Six seconds is way too short...but it's what we had, so we worked with it.
2- One idea or message per Vine is more than enough.
3- A Vine should be funny or compelling, but if it can be both then you've probably got a winner.

We ended up with a ton of great ideas, of which nine were finally selected. They were a combination of both graphic animation and live video executions, some of which involved complex setups and very specific casting requirements. We shot over two days around the Bay Area, and spent about three days editing the Vines.

Want to check them out? See the links below.
The first 4 are all the "live" video Vines, the other 5 are graphic animations.
The Vines were targeted towards a very specific audience, mostly IT admins as well as Symantec partners and customers. We took time to figure out what mattered to our audience, then used humor and compelling graphic executions to tell the six second stories. Hopefully,we provided the audience with a few chuckles and inspired them to share and follow us at #RockSolidBackup.


Crowd Surf 


Trust Fall






Wednesday, November 20, 2013

DataCane: When The Bits Hit The Fan.

It's not a Sharknado, it's a DataCane.
Check out our awesome trailer for DataCane- what happens when you put at datacenter in the path of a hurricane and 6,000 gallons of floodwater.
Full spot releasing in just a few days, but enjoy the preview until the main event.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Stunt shoot blows us all away.

100mph winds, 6,000 gallons of water and a few tense moments, but we did it.

We began the day waiting and prepping.

Filling the 6,000 gallon water tank.

Tense moments as we watch the winds speed climb.

Setting the lighting before the fans hit 

Watching the surge moment.

The hurricane hits.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

End of Day 2-Data Center Down 2 Production.

Began the day with our behind the scenes inserts with our talent, Amol.
He's standing in the chambers of one of the hundred fans inside the generator.

With most of the sets built, we began shooting the first links for our short video.

With the floor covered in water, we're all set for the big shoot tomorrow. 

DataCenterDown2: 1 Day to Shoot

We're getting close to the final countdown.

The location is amazing- completely hidden from the road and each one of these fans is the size of a person-and we have 100 of them ready to blow.

We've spent the past few days building an steel-clad aquarium to house our data center and a large tank to hold 60,000 gallons of water.

As the sun rises this morning, we're ready to shoot our inserts.
The big stunt and main shoot all happens tomorrow.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Data Center Down2: 5 Days and Counting.

Be prepared to be blown away.

Last year you may remember we dropped this Data Center from the top of an eighteen story building right here in the heart  of Silicon Valley. Next week, we'll be pushing the envelope even further as we shoot our latest commercial out in North Carolina.

The location is secret and the concept, even bigger than before. It's Symantec TV's  most ambitious commercial yet.

Throughout the week I'll post pictures, thoughts and comments on how the pre-production's progressing, right up to our shoot day.

But, don't expect any revelations until the final video's posted. We're keeping this one under wraps until the final reveal.

All I can say is.... be prepared to be blown away!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Why aren't you creating video press releases?

Today, getting your press release noticed can be a challenge. With thousands of releases being sent out daily, that pdf or infographic you've sweated over for weeks could easily get lost in the clutter, never to see the light of day. But, supplementing the traditional press release with a well produced video can save your hard work from sinking without a trace. So, why aren't more companies creating video content to help get their messages out there?

Well, as in any industry, change comes slowly. Creating video content is a very different skill- set than writing press releases. You need to condense the message, create compelling visuals to accompany the script and make it feel as professional as you possibly can. Most PR agencies don't have these skill sets in house, and sure, we can all shoot video on a smart phone these days, but is that really the kind of impression you want people to have of your company?

Investing in a good quality, well produced video content is not rocket-science, but it does take some skillful copywriting and design chops to make it work. There are a ton of great production companies and design agencies out there with the skill-set to produce high-quality content that will make you and your company look like rockstars. Get to know the ones in your industry or geographic location, make sure they have a strong copywriter working with them and can produce content that's worthy to carry your company name.

Creating a video press release maybe something you won't be able to producer for every press release you send out, but for the more important ones, they're the perfect vehicle to capture attention and promote your message. Recently, we completed this video press release for Symantec. It's for the Internet Threat Security Report (ISTR) and highlights the most current trends and malware threats out there. We decided to just use text to drive the narrative as the spot was translated into several languages.

The spot was written in-house and designed and animated by design company 2Hemispheres in Los Angeles.