Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Mobile Productivity vs Mobile Protection

Enabling a safe, secure and productive mobile experience for employees is a critical part of running a business these days.

As employees we love the freedom of carrying one device and being able to switch between our personal and corporate apps at the swipe of a finger. For our IT departments though, this is more of a challenge. They need to ensure critical business data is secured and still keep employes happy and productive.

What's the solution? The Symantec Mobile Management Suite.

That's the key theme of this video we recently created for the mobile group here at Symantec. Put simply, Symantec's mobile solution is designed to keep employes and IT/Security departments happy with one comprehensive solution.

The video was created for Symantec's booth at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona in February 2013. We created two videos: one which has a voice over and delved deeper into the product features, and this one, which was designed to work in a conference booth environment where there's always too much noise and clutter to hear the voice-over clearly.

We told the story in text only, using short, compelling copy to hook people into the narrative. We also worked with our major "app" partners to ensure that all the apps we showed were real and credible. A great deal of the competitive videos we looked at before starting work on this used "mock apps"and a cartoon animation style to showcase the message. We decided to create something that was real, credible and featured true app partners that were already signed up to the Symantec Sealed Program.

This video was a prime example of a mobile solution that's up and working today and available to all our prospective customers.