Thursday, September 12, 2013

Stunt shoot blows us all away.

100mph winds, 6,000 gallons of water and a few tense moments, but we did it.

We began the day waiting and prepping.

Filling the 6,000 gallon water tank.

Tense moments as we watch the winds speed climb.

Setting the lighting before the fans hit 

Watching the surge moment.

The hurricane hits.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

End of Day 2-Data Center Down 2 Production.

Began the day with our behind the scenes inserts with our talent, Amol.
He's standing in the chambers of one of the hundred fans inside the generator.

With most of the sets built, we began shooting the first links for our short video.

With the floor covered in water, we're all set for the big shoot tomorrow. 

DataCenterDown2: 1 Day to Shoot

We're getting close to the final countdown.

The location is amazing- completely hidden from the road and each one of these fans is the size of a person-and we have 100 of them ready to blow.

We've spent the past few days building an steel-clad aquarium to house our data center and a large tank to hold 60,000 gallons of water.

As the sun rises this morning, we're ready to shoot our inserts.
The big stunt and main shoot all happens tomorrow.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Data Center Down2: 5 Days and Counting.

Be prepared to be blown away.

Last year you may remember we dropped this Data Center from the top of an eighteen story building right here in the heart  of Silicon Valley. Next week, we'll be pushing the envelope even further as we shoot our latest commercial out in North Carolina.

The location is secret and the concept, even bigger than before. It's Symantec TV's  most ambitious commercial yet.

Throughout the week I'll post pictures, thoughts and comments on how the pre-production's progressing, right up to our shoot day.

But, don't expect any revelations until the final video's posted. We're keeping this one under wraps until the final reveal.

All I can say is.... be prepared to be blown away!