Wednesday, November 20, 2013

DataCane: When The Bits Hit The Fan.

It's not a Sharknado, it's a DataCane.
Check out our awesome trailer for DataCane- what happens when you put at datacenter in the path of a hurricane and 6,000 gallons of floodwater.
Full spot releasing in just a few days, but enjoy the preview until the main event.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Stunt shoot blows us all away.

100mph winds, 6,000 gallons of water and a few tense moments, but we did it.

We began the day waiting and prepping.

Filling the 6,000 gallon water tank.

Tense moments as we watch the winds speed climb.

Setting the lighting before the fans hit 

Watching the surge moment.

The hurricane hits.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

End of Day 2-Data Center Down 2 Production.

Began the day with our behind the scenes inserts with our talent, Amol.
He's standing in the chambers of one of the hundred fans inside the generator.

With most of the sets built, we began shooting the first links for our short video.

With the floor covered in water, we're all set for the big shoot tomorrow. 

DataCenterDown2: 1 Day to Shoot

We're getting close to the final countdown.

The location is amazing- completely hidden from the road and each one of these fans is the size of a person-and we have 100 of them ready to blow.

We've spent the past few days building an steel-clad aquarium to house our data center and a large tank to hold 60,000 gallons of water.

As the sun rises this morning, we're ready to shoot our inserts.
The big stunt and main shoot all happens tomorrow.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Data Center Down2: 5 Days and Counting.

Be prepared to be blown away.

Last year you may remember we dropped this Data Center from the top of an eighteen story building right here in the heart  of Silicon Valley. Next week, we'll be pushing the envelope even further as we shoot our latest commercial out in North Carolina.

The location is secret and the concept, even bigger than before. It's Symantec TV's  most ambitious commercial yet.

Throughout the week I'll post pictures, thoughts and comments on how the pre-production's progressing, right up to our shoot day.

But, don't expect any revelations until the final video's posted. We're keeping this one under wraps until the final reveal.

All I can say is.... be prepared to be blown away!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Why aren't you creating video press releases?

Today, getting your press release noticed can be a challenge. With thousands of releases being sent out daily, that pdf or infographic you've sweated over for weeks could easily get lost in the clutter, never to see the light of day. But, supplementing the traditional press release with a well produced video can save your hard work from sinking without a trace. So, why aren't more companies creating video content to help get their messages out there?

Well, as in any industry, change comes slowly. Creating video content is a very different skill- set than writing press releases. You need to condense the message, create compelling visuals to accompany the script and make it feel as professional as you possibly can. Most PR agencies don't have these skill sets in house, and sure, we can all shoot video on a smart phone these days, but is that really the kind of impression you want people to have of your company?

Investing in a good quality, well produced video content is not rocket-science, but it does take some skillful copywriting and design chops to make it work. There are a ton of great production companies and design agencies out there with the skill-set to produce high-quality content that will make you and your company look like rockstars. Get to know the ones in your industry or geographic location, make sure they have a strong copywriter working with them and can produce content that's worthy to carry your company name.

Creating a video press release maybe something you won't be able to producer for every press release you send out, but for the more important ones, they're the perfect vehicle to capture attention and promote your message. Recently, we completed this video press release for Symantec. It's for the Internet Threat Security Report (ISTR) and highlights the most current trends and malware threats out there. We decided to just use text to drive the narrative as the spot was translated into several languages.

The spot was written in-house and designed and animated by design company 2Hemispheres in Los Angeles.

Friday, April 5, 2013

5 Killer apps for awesome testimonial videos.

Testimonial-style videos have now become the bread and butter of corporate video messaging. DSLR cameras that shoot amazing HD video and easy to use edit systems have made filming and cutting your testimonial spots both inexpensive and efficient.

But, creating a compelling video that draws in your audience and keeps them watching takes more than a nifty camera and fancy editing suite- it takes a great story-telling, lots of prep and high production value. With this in mind, I've created my own list of the 5 Killer Apps for creating awesome testimonial videos.

I call them apps because they can be applied to any testimonial video you're creating- plus who doesn't love a killer app or five ?

1- Story is everything.
A good story told well is a pleasure to listen to or watch. If you're shooting executives at your company, corporate partners or valued customers, it's always a good idea to get to know who you're interviewing. Even a quick phone call can help gauge what he or she wants to talk about, and give you an idea of their personality. With that knowledge you can begin to craft the story you need to tell.

2-Scout it out. 
It's a no brainer, but too often crews turn up at locations without even a cursory scout as to where they'll be shooting. Try and scout out the location a week before hand with your camera guy. Figure out the prime locations to shoot and select a different location for each interviewee. This adds interest and much greater production value to the final spot.

3- Questions, questions.
Have your list of questions prepared before hand. This may seem obvious, but it's critical that you know the answers you need before hand. In the words of a trail lawyer- never ask a question you don't already know the answer to. And, on the subject of questions, don't just jump in with the big questions at the start, warm your subject up by getting them to talk about their company and their role first. Everyone loves talking about what they do- it gets them comfortable and relaxed.

4-Roll on the B-Roll.
You'll need plenty of B-roll to cover the flubs, hesitations and curse words before your final spot feels like it's the easy, flowing video you'd envisioned. Allow time for shooting the interviewees doing their jobs (holding a mock meeting, in their office on the phone, even walking down the hall). Your editor will lavish you with praise and you'll have a quality product that you'll be proud to showcase on the company website.

5- Story is everything- redux.
The story you had planned in your head now needs to come alive in the edit suite. This takes time. You might prefer to work with an editor to go through the footage, or spend a day or so going through it yourself before handing it over (rudimentary editing skills in Final Cut have helped me immensely in this process). Create a cut that best tells the story, then add in the polish and b-roll later.

And, how does all this look put together?
Check out the video Symantec recently produced for their Sealed App Program with strategic partner, Accellion. The spot was conceived and written in house. San Rafael based production company, GB Films, provided the production, directing and editing expertise.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Mobile Productivity vs Mobile Protection

Enabling a safe, secure and productive mobile experience for employees is a critical part of running a business these days.

As employees we love the freedom of carrying one device and being able to switch between our personal and corporate apps at the swipe of a finger. For our IT departments though, this is more of a challenge. They need to ensure critical business data is secured and still keep employes happy and productive.

What's the solution? The Symantec Mobile Management Suite.

That's the key theme of this video we recently created for the mobile group here at Symantec. Put simply, Symantec's mobile solution is designed to keep employes and IT/Security departments happy with one comprehensive solution.

The video was created for Symantec's booth at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona in February 2013. We created two videos: one which has a voice over and delved deeper into the product features, and this one, which was designed to work in a conference booth environment where there's always too much noise and clutter to hear the voice-over clearly.

We told the story in text only, using short, compelling copy to hook people into the narrative. We also worked with our major "app" partners to ensure that all the apps we showed were real and credible. A great deal of the competitive videos we looked at before starting work on this used "mock apps"and a cartoon animation style to showcase the message. We decided to create something that was real, credible and featured true app partners that were already signed up to the Symantec Sealed Program.

This video was a prime example of a mobile solution that's up and working today and available to all our prospective customers.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

The true cost of free wi-fi.

With just a few, inexpensive pieces of technology available on the web, hackers are now targeting your favorite w-fi hot spots with one, clear goal: stealing your on-line identity. How do you stop them? Norton's Privacy Hot Spot is a great start.

Towards the end of last year the Symantec TV team produced this short video for Norton.

Our goal was to make the message as clear we possibly could, and showcase how Norton Privacy Hopspot product. Because the majority of people have no idea how vulnerable they are when they log onto an unsecured wi-fi network, it was important that we featured early on in the spot how hackers infiltrate and extract personal information.

The video was shot over a day in a local coffee house in Mountain view,with about twenty extras, a small crew and a very limited budget.

It's a great example of how to explain, in just a couple of minutes, a problem most people aren't even aware of and also work in a the product that helps solve the issue. By using a real location, with real people and real "hacking equipment" we added the extra element of realism consumers could relate to.