Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Why aren't you creating video press releases?

Today, getting your press release noticed can be a challenge. With thousands of releases being sent out daily, that pdf or infographic you've sweated over for weeks could easily get lost in the clutter, never to see the light of day. But, supplementing the traditional press release with a well produced video can save your hard work from sinking without a trace. So, why aren't more companies creating video content to help get their messages out there?

Well, as in any industry, change comes slowly. Creating video content is a very different skill- set than writing press releases. You need to condense the message, create compelling visuals to accompany the script and make it feel as professional as you possibly can. Most PR agencies don't have these skill sets in house, and sure, we can all shoot video on a smart phone these days, but is that really the kind of impression you want people to have of your company?

Investing in a good quality, well produced video content is not rocket-science, but it does take some skillful copywriting and design chops to make it work. There are a ton of great production companies and design agencies out there with the skill-set to produce high-quality content that will make you and your company look like rockstars. Get to know the ones in your industry or geographic location, make sure they have a strong copywriter working with them and can produce content that's worthy to carry your company name.

Creating a video press release maybe something you won't be able to producer for every press release you send out, but for the more important ones, they're the perfect vehicle to capture attention and promote your message. Recently, we completed this video press release for Symantec. It's for the Internet Threat Security Report (ISTR) and highlights the most current trends and malware threats out there. We decided to just use text to drive the narrative as the spot was translated into several languages.

The spot was written in-house and designed and animated by design company 2Hemispheres in Los Angeles.

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