Monday, March 31, 2014

Are you Vining for Business?

I'm not sure that Vining is even a word, but let's run with it for now for the purpose of this post.

Vines have been around for a while, but only a few enterprises have been brave enough to put themselves at the mercy of a six second message, that has to funny, extremely compelling and usually both.

Companies such as Target, Dunkin' Donuts and G.E. have executed some great Vines directed at consumers, but I've not seen many targeting b2b customers. This  made it even more of a challenge when the creatives at the Symantec's Digital Marketing team were commissioned to develop a Vine campaign for the Symantec Netbackup Products.

Where to begin? We must have watched a few hundred Vines before we even started the creative process, and eventually we came back to the table with three key takeaways.
1- Six seconds is way too short...but it's what we had, so we worked with it.
2- One idea or message per Vine is more than enough.
3- A Vine should be funny or compelling, but if it can be both then you've probably got a winner.

We ended up with a ton of great ideas, of which nine were finally selected. They were a combination of both graphic animation and live video executions, some of which involved complex setups and very specific casting requirements. We shot over two days around the Bay Area, and spent about three days editing the Vines.

Want to check them out? See the links below.
The first 4 are all the "live" video Vines, the other 5 are graphic animations.
The Vines were targeted towards a very specific audience, mostly IT admins as well as Symantec partners and customers. We took time to figure out what mattered to our audience, then used humor and compelling graphic executions to tell the six second stories. Hopefully,we provided the audience with a few chuckles and inspired them to share and follow us at #RockSolidBackup.


Crowd Surf 


Trust Fall






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